Bluesoup secures Devon elevation grant support | Bluesoup
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Bluesoup secures Devon elevation grant support

We’re delighted to announce that Bluesoup has become one of the lucky recipients of a UK Community Renewal Fund grant from Devon County Council to help post pandemic recovery.

The grant enables Bluesoup to partner with a specialist new business agency to drive an energetic Rebuild & Grow prospecting campaign to find and secure new clients for the agency.

The pandemic affected so many businesses, and we were no different”, says Bluesoup’s Managing Director, Ben Duhig. “We went into lockdown with 70% of our revenue coming from the travel and tourism sector, and whilst this sector will remain our core, it was a tough period of trading which impacted the business at the time and in the 18 months after. To receive this grant will enable us to inject capital and momentum back into getting Bluesoup growing again, as we were pre pandemic. It’s exciting and encouraging, and we are grateful to DCC for approving our application and offering us this opportunity.

Notes: Funding is provided through: ‘Devon County Council – Devon Elevation Fund Community Renewal Fund’

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