Devon Design Agency | Brand Development Services | Bluesoup


Anyone can create a logo or an ad...or can they?

Having a clear understanding of your brands is the core foundation of any successful business. What do you stand for, why should customers trust you and buy from you? It is so much more than a simple logo or the latest ad.

So before the crayons even leave the drawer, we begin by working with you to understand your company and what makes it special and unique. From that comes your core values, what you do, how you do it, and most importantly, why you do it. Your Purpose. Your Why.

Approaching the process in a proper and considered way results in logos, collateral and advertising that are true, rooted and will resonate with your target audience.

Bluesoup Stannah Mans feet

Building a heritage brand to drive growth for future generations


John Lewis of Hungerford Literature and Brand Awareness

Cavanna Homes 2

Cavanna Homes Rebrand

Lugger Rum 1

Lugger Rum Packaging Design

B corp 2