Award Winning Media Planning & Buying | Bluesoup

Media planning/buying.

Start your advertising campaign with Bluesoup. We plan, buy and create amazing advertising. Even the most original message is wasted if your potential customers don’t see it when and where you want them to. That’s why we start with consumer insight; what they consume, when and in what mindset. From there the strategy is developed and executed. There isn’t a medium we haven’t used... test us!

Our expertise enables us to develop the right solution quickly, because basically we know what works and what doesn’t. We’ll challenge any business’s status quo and recommend new ways of doing things, particularly when we believe we can get better results given your objectives and budget .

As a truly independent media agency, we can approach media without the restrictions so common with our larger peers. Because of this flexibility, we're not bound by agency deals and commitments and so are free to plan and buy the right media schedule for our clients. Sound refreshing?

Bluesoup Eden Project Aerial Banner Media

Eden Project Summer Campaigns

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Journey Latin America

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