Our Services | What We Do | Bluesoup

What we do.

Boasting sector specific expertise & experience coupled with a refreshingly different approach.

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We are an agency that inspires clients and employees alike by delivering great work, achieving outstanding results and celebrating success with all those involved in creating it.

Bluesoup was founded in 2007 to offer a fresh approach to advertising in the travel and tourism sector. At our heart is a simple belief that great communication, regardless of medium, needs two things; the right message, told powerfully, and that message reaching the right people. Common sense, yes? But, more than ever the two are considered in isolation, and then bolted uncomfortably together.

We don’t do that.

We ensure that our Create and Deliver teams work in tandem and not in silos, understanding the brief and ensuring that our campaigns are properly considered & joined up.

And given the wealth of experience we have in travel & tourism, the work we create as a result resonates, engages and inspires consumers in a way that other agencies can only dream of. Our clients enjoy greater market share, are exposed to new audiences, increase their sales and enjoy a better marketing ROI, thanks, in part, to the work we do.

Sound refreshing?

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Our approach.

Having more years’ experience than we care to remember, we have a proven and successful formula for success in travel & tourism. We start where we should start.....right at the beginning with the Define Phase. What are your objectives? What do you need to achieve from the activity? Who are we trying to reach? How will we know if we’ve succeeded? With a detailed brief written, and our 5 guiding principles, amazing things happen.

Do it right.

Right because we draw on our vast experience and expertise in your market to find the most appropriate solution, and right because we share the same goals as our clients, not just the most profitable solution for Bluesoup. So, everything being equal, everyone’s a winner.

Be original.

There's a lot of noise out there and you have to rise above it. We don't like our work to be wallpaper and neither will you. Your market is an exciting, inspiring one, the precious weeks of holiday which your customers spend their year saving up for! Let's think about ways to shine.

Be impactful.

You can be as original as you like, but unless your communication is seen in the right place at the right time it will be wasted. Impact doesn't have to be all crash, bang, wallop though. The smallest thought, expressed with care, can change the world. Beautiful.

Be accountable.

What's the point in working hard to create something great if you can't tell how successful it is? We're rather OCD about this. When things work it confirms you made the right agency choice and gives us a warm feeling inside. But when it doesn't, it means we can talk about it and change what needs to be changed. With a little more effort, it won't be long before that warm feeling returns and we're selling more holidays.

Be responsible.

We're no saints but we do believe in being responsible. That means sourcing from ethical and sustainable resources wherever possible, recycling as much as we can, reducing our carbon footprint by cycling to work when we can, supporting the community in which we live and giving our time, money and resources to charities close to our hearts...like the amazing Edukid. We're on the B-Corp journey but still have work to do. We believe in using our time in this world to leave it slightly better as a result of our existence. Nuff said.

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