Barrhead Travel Advertising Case Study | Bluesoup

Barrhead Travel

Ad Campaign Development

Reduced creative turnaround time & greater brand consistency.

The challenge

Barrhead sell a mix of short haul, long haul and cruise holidays. Advertising was understandably deal led and as such turnaround times were short and the ability to celebrate brand credentials was limited. Due to the time pressures involved in late deal ads, consistency had suffered leading to a diluted, and sometime confused, representation of the brand.

Bluesoup Barrhead Travel 48 sheet

The solution

We reviewed the brand, its position and its USPs. A series of TV ads were shot, mixing creative which celebrated Barrhead and its people, as well as ads which were able to promote specific deals.

A Barrhead Ad Directory was developed for press ads, which ensured a consistent representation of the brand regardless of size or content. A variety of formats were pre-designed enabling last minute deals to be dropped in, and in so doing reducing the time required to brief, design & supply creative to papers.

Bluesoup Barrhead full page press ad copy

The results

Brand perceptions showed positive gains on the back of the TV ads. The Ad Directory increased consistency in press adverts and allowed marketing teams to focus their time on deals, safe in the knowledge that ads would be on brand and consistent.

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